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Straightforward way to get product of a dict keys with its values

I have this dictionary for grouping filenames and extensions:

email_fields = {'txt': ('subject', 'plaintext_body'),
                'html': ('html_body',)}

I need to get a list of tuples like this:

>>> get_my_list(email_fields)
[('txt', 'subject'), ('txt', 'plaintext_body'), ('html', 'html_body')]

I would like to use something like starmap, product and chain from itertools module to do it:

foo = starmap(product, email_fields.items())

The problem I have is that product takes two iterables and, as email_fields's keys are strings, I get something like this:

[('t', 'subject'),
 ('t', 'plaintext_body'),
 ('x', 'subject'),
 ('x', 'plaintext_body'),
 ('t', 'subject'),
 ('t', 'plaintext_body')],
 ('h', 'html_body'),
 ('t', 'html_body'),
 ('m', 'html_body'),
 ('l', 'html_body')]

Is there a better way to do it? The closest I got works, but looks uglier:

foo = [product([ext], field) for ext, field in email_fields.items()]


  • I would do, manually iterating over the keys and then the values for each key:

    [(k, v) for k in email_fields for v in email_fields[k]]


    [('txt', 'subject'), ('txt', 'plaintext_body'), ('html', 'html_body')]

    No need for itertools here. :)