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How to make ObservableCollection thread-safe?

System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

I am adding/removing from an ObservableCollection which is not on a UI thread.

I have a method names EnqueueReport to add to the collection and a DequeueReport to remove from the collection.

The flow of steps is as below:

  1. call EnqueueReport whenever a new report is requested
  2. call a method every few seconds to check if the report is generated (this has a foreach loop that checks the generated status of all reports in ObservableCollection)
  3. call DequeueReport if the report is generated

I am not much in C# libraries. Can someone please guide me on this?


  • You can create a simple thread friendly version of the observable collection. Like the following :

     public class MTObservableCollection<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
            public override event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
            protected override void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
                NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged = this.CollectionChanged;
                if (CollectionChanged != null)
                    foreach (NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler nh in CollectionChanged.GetInvocationList())
                        DispatcherObject dispObj = nh.Target as DispatcherObject;
                        if (dispObj != null)
                            Dispatcher dispatcher = dispObj.Dispatcher;
                            if (dispatcher != null && !dispatcher.CheckAccess())
                                    (Action)(() => nh.Invoke(this,
                                        new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset))),
                        nh.Invoke(this, e);

    with that now do a massive find & replace and change all your ObservableCollection to MTObservableCollection and your good to go