About a year ago, I first installed Eclipse for Android app development, but shortly later decided not to pursue this. Now I am using Eclipse for Java and C++ programming, but Eclipse reminds me with two to four warning boxes (like this: https://i.sstatic.net/W2ZyE.jpg) that I am missing the Android SDK every time I launch it. I have no desire to install (and update) the Android SDK because I am not doing Android development. How may I silence these warnings? Is there an option in the massive preferences to make Eclipse forget about Android? I have tried:
• Deleting files located in ~/Library/Caches/org.eclipse.eclipse
, ~/Library/Preferences/org.eclipse.eclipse.plist
, and the metadata files of my projects
• Searching StackOverflow and Google for people with the same problem (there aren't any or everyone else understands something I don't)
• Downloading the Android SDK (worked but then wanted to be updated a few weeks later)
Have you tried to uninstall all software moduls related to Android in Eclipse?
Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details