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Django - filtering objects with a field that has a value with spaces in it not working?

I'm trying to get urls working in django to display all items that have a field equal a certain value. The field on my model is a charfield, like this:

class Episode(models.Model):
    series = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True)

I am not using slugfields or anything like that (I don't know what the point of them is?), and I cannot seem to get filtering working when the value of the series field has spaces in it. My view looks like this:

def series(request, slug):
    print slug
    tag = slug.replace("-", " ")
    print tag 
    print Episode.objects.filter(series=tag)

    return render(request, "taggedpage.html", {   
        "episodes": Episode.objects.filter(series=tag),
        "tag": tag


my url pattern:

url(r'^series/(?P<slug>[-\w]+)/$','galleries.views.series', name='series'),

For example, if the series field is equal to "the sopranos", trying to visit the url

returns no objects. However, if the field is only one word, it works fine, e.g if the series was "house", visiting

would return all the objects with a series: field value of house. Is this some regex/slug thing?


  • I don't know what was causing the problem exactly, but I installed django-autoslug and it all works now.