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Best dynamic data structure for 2d circle nearest neighbor

The title is most of the problem. I have a set of circles, each given by a center C and radius r. The distance between two circles is the Euclidean distance between their centers minus both their radii. For circles a and b,

d_ab = |C_a - C_b| - r_a - r_b.

Note this can be negative if the circles overlap.

Then what is the quickest data structure for finding the nearest (minimum distance) neighbor of a given circle in the set?

Adding and deleting circles with "find nearest" queries interleaved in arbitrary order must be supported. Nothing is known about the set's geometric distribution in advance.

This will be the heart of a system where a typical number of circles is 50,000 and 10's of thousands of queries, inserts, and deletes will be needed, ideally at user-interaction speed (a second or less) on a high end tablet device.

The point nearest neighbor has been studied to death, but this version with circles seems somewhat harder.

I have looked at kd-trees, quad trees, r-trees, and some variations of these. Both advice on which of these might be the best to try and also new suggestions would be a terrific help.


  • Thanks to @David Eisenstadt for the idea of a 3d search structure. This is part of the best answer, though his strange metric is not needed.

    The key is to look in detail at how nearest neighbor search works. I'll show this for quadrees. Kd-trees with k=3 are similar. Here is pseudocode:

    # Let nearest_info be a record containing the current nearest neighbor (or nil 
    # if none yet) and the distance from point to that nearest neighbor.
    def find_nearest_neighbor(node, target, nearest_info)
      if node is leaf
        update nearest_info using target and the points found in this leaf
        for each subdivision S of node
          if S contains any point P where dist(P,T) < nearest_info.distance,
            find_neareast(S, target, nearest_info)

    When this is done, nearest_info contains the nearest neighbor and its distance.

    The key is if S contains any point P where dist(P,T) < nearest_info.distance. In a 3d space, of (x,y,r) triples that describe circles, we have

    def dist(P,T)
      return sqrt( (P.x - T.x)^2 + (P.y - T.y)^2 ) - P.r - T.r 

    Here P is an arbitrary point in an octant of an octree cuboid. How to consider all points in the cuboid? Note all components of T are effectively fixed for a given search, so it's clearer if we write the target as a constant point (a, b, c):

    def dist(P)
      return sqrt( (P.x - a)^2 + (P.y - b)^2 ) - P.r

    Where we have left out c = T.r completely because it can be subtracted out of the minimum distance after the algorithm is complete. In other words, the radius of the target does not affect the result.

    With this it is pretty easy to see that the P we need to obtain minimum dist to the cuboid is Euclidean closest to the target with respect to x and y and with the max represented radius. This is very easy and quick to compute: a 2d point-rectangle distance and a 1d max operation.

    In hindsight all this is obvious, but it took a while to see it from the right point of view. Thanks for the ideas.