I'm now using this code to copy a section in the text. I want to change the code so that it copys the whole text between 2 tags.
Example -> this text copy <- (copy just between -> and <-)
The code now is
ON *:TEXT:*->*:*: {
if ($nick == Nickname) {
/msg $chan $$9
This wil just copy the 9th, now i want it to get $- all text between -> <-
Instead of your current msg command, try the following command:
msg $chan $mid($1-, $calc($pos($1-, ->, 1) + 2), $calc($pos($1-, <-, $pos($1-, <-, 0)) - $pos($1-, ->, 1) - 2))
This line will take the first occurrence of -> and last occurence of <-, and message everything that's between them.