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How to download all my caldav and carddav data with one wget / curl?

Until now, I used Google Calender and do my personal backup with a daily wget of the public ".ics"Link.

Now I want to switch to a new Service who has only caldavaccess.

Is there a possibility to download all my caldav and carddav data with one wget / curl?

This downloaded data should give me the possibility to backup lost data.

Thanks in advance.


I created a very simple php file which works in the way hmh explained. Don't know if this way works for different providers, but for, it works well.

You can find it here


  • Please be more specific, what is the new service/server you are using?

    This is not specifically CalDAV, but most DAV servers still provide a way to grab all events/todos using a single GET. Usually by targeting the relevant collection with a GET, e.g. like either one of those:

    curl -X GET -u login -H "Accept: text/calendar" https://myserver/joe/home/
    curl -X GET -u login -H "Accept: text/calendar" https://myserver/joe/home.ics

    In CalDAV/CardDAV you can grab the whole contents of a collection using a PROPFIND:

    curl -X PROPFIND -u login -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "Depth: 1" \
      --data "<propfind xmlns='DAV:'><prop><calendar-data xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav'/></prop></propfind>" \

    Replace calendar-data with

    <address-data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav"/>

    for CardDAV.

    This will give you an XML entity which has the iCal/vCard contents embedded. To restore it, you would need to parse the XML and extract the data (not hard).

    Note: Although plain standard, some servers reject that or just omit the content (lame! file bug reports ;-).