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Should simultaneously having multiple different SQLite Database Versions be considered harmful?

I am breaking out each SQLite table's code (including initial construction of the table as well as operations on that table) into separate classes extending SQLiteOpenHelper.

In order to get these tables to be created (that is to say, to get the onCreate() method to be called), I have to increment the DATABASE_VERSION (see my own answer here for the details).

But with this methodology, I end up with different version numbers for each class/table - I had to set the DATABASE_VERSION value for the second table I created to 2, I will have to set the third one to 3, etc.

So I will end up with multiple different version values for the same DATABASE (*.db file). If they are all the same val, the onUpgrade() method does not get called, and thus, the onCreate() method is not called, and thus the new table is not created.

Is this "okay" - having a database with several different simultaneous version numbers?

The only other (reasonable) option I know of is to put all the DB code (covering multiple tables) into a single class that extends SQLiteOpenHelper - is doing so actually the preferred method? IOW, is my separation of the db code into several classes, one for each table, a help or a hindrance?


So this is my non-destructive way (by inserting "IF NOT EXISTS" into the DDL) to gradually add new tables, using, per CommonsWare's advice, just one class that extends SQLiteOpenHelper:

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            TABLE_VENDORS + "("
            + " TEXT," + COLUMN_COMPANYNAME + " TEXT" + ")";
    // add more tables as needed following the pattern above

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    //db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_VENDORS); <= Only need to DROP if the table's structure changes; so comment such a line out for the particular table in that case

NOTE: Whenever I do add a new table, I have to "up" (increment) the DATABASE_VERSION value, so that onUpgrade()/onCreate() are called.


  • I am breaking out each SQLite table's code (including initial construction of the table as well as operations on that table) into separate classes extending SQLiteOpenHelper

    It is important, for thread safety among other reasons, to have a single instance of SQLiteDatabase that you use consistently. That in turn, will require you to have a single SQLiteOpenHelper class. The exception would be for totally independent database files (one SQLiteHelper per database), but that's not usually needed.

    Is this "okay" - having a database with several different simultaneous version numbers?

    That is not "okay" at all. The highest number wins.

    The only other (reasonable) option I know of is to put all the DB code (covering multiple tables) into a single class that extends SQLiteOpenHelper - is doing so actually the preferred method? IOW, is my separation of the db code into several classes, one for each table, a help or a hindrance?

    Breaking out "the db code into several classes, one for each table" is not necessarily a problem. What is a problem is having them be independent subclasses of SQLiteOpenHelper.

    Let's say that you want these classes not merely to handle table creation and upgrades, but also other CRUD operations related to the table. Having a dedicated class for that is fine. However, the table creation and upgrade logic needs to be driven by a single SQLiteOpenHelper class. Simply have onCreate() and onUpgrade() on your SQLiteOpenHelper delegate the actual work to the per-table classes. This way, you get your code organization, without having multiple SQLiteOpenHelper classes.