I'm trying to estimate a statistical model using MLE in python using the fmin_BFGS function in Scipy.Optimize and a numerically computed Hessian.
It is currently giving me the following warning: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss
When I print the results of each evaluation, I see that while the starting guess yields a reasonable log-likelihood. However, after a few guesses, the cost function jumps from ~230,000 to 9.5e+179.
Then it gives a runtime warning: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars
when trying to compute radical = B * B - 3 * A * C
in the linesearch part of the routine.
I suspect that the algo is trying to estimate the cost function at a point that approaches an overflow. Is there a way to reduce the rate at which the algorithm changes parameter values to keep the function in a well-behaved region? (I would use the constrained BFGS routine but I don't have good priors over what the parameter values should be)
I recently ran into the same problem with fmin_bfgs
As far as I could see, the answer is negative. I didn't see a way to limit the stepsize.
My workaround was to first run Nelder-Mead fmin
for some iterations, and then switch to fmin_bfgs
. Once I was close enough to the optimum, the curvature of my function was much nicer and fmin_bfgs
didn't have problems anymore.
In my case the problem was that the gradient of my function was very large at points further away from the optimum.
works also without constraints, and several users have reported reliable performance.
aside: If you are able to convert your case to a relatively simple test case, then you could post it to the scipy issue tracker so that a developer or contributor can look into it.