I use TestFlight
for crash reporting and logging check points for testing in development. But for live app, I want to use crash reporting only.
To disable check points I can use preprocessor macro.e.g.
[TestFlight passCheckpoint:@"Some event occurred"];
But problem with this approach is that I need to use this condition every time I send check point to TestFlight. I have around 70 check points.
I am looking for a way where I need to configure at one or two places in project and don't need to care about adding if condition for each new check point I add to project.
Please note that I do want to use TestFlight
for crash reporting so I cannot completely disable TestFlight
In some common header:
#define TF_PASSCHECKPOINT(s) [TestFlight passCheckpoint:(s)];
Then just say:
- (void)someFunction {
TF_PASSCHECKPOINT(@"entered someFunction");