I have Piwik installed and working fine, but I want to configure Nginx to directly import logs as they are created, thus preventing to parse logs files.
I know this can be done in Apache using the following:
# Log to piwik as well
CustomLog "|/path/to/import_logs.py --option1 --option2 ... -" myLogFormat
but I couldn't find anything like this on Nginx.
Has anyone knows how to do this?
This isn't possible in Nginx, see this post in the mailing list.
No, nginx will not support logging to a pipe since this is simlpy waste of CPU. You may try tail -F /path/to/log | app This is almost the same waste of CPU as piped log.
If you want to know why it it's slow:
Logging to pipe is a CPU waste because it causes a lot of context switches
and memory copies for every log operation:
1) nginx writes to a pipe,
2) context switch to script,
2) script reads from the pipe,
3) script processes line,
4) script writes to a database,
5) context switch to nginx.
instead of single memory copy operation to a log file.
You'll have to create another script that's running and tailing the log files, then piping the data into Piwik.