I recently came across an issue where I had a superview that needed to be swipable and a subview that also needed to be swipable. The interaction was that the subview should be the only one swiped if the swipe occurred within its bounds. If the swipe happened outside of the subview, the superview should handle the swipe.
I couldn't find any answers that solved this exact problem and eventually came up with a hacky solution that I thought I'd post if it can help others.
Edit: A better solution is now marked as the right answer.
Changed title from "Ignore touch events..." to "Ignore gestures..."
If you are looking for a better solution, you can use gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch:
delegate method to ignore the touch for the parent view recognizer.
- (BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer
shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch{
UIView* swipeableSubview = ...; //set to the subview that can be swiped
CGPoint locationInSubview = [touch locationInView:swipeableSubview];
BOOL touchIsInSubview = [swipeableSubview pointInside:locationInSubview withEvent:nil];
return !touchIsInSubview;
This will make sure the parent only receives the swipe if the swipe does not start on the swipeable subview.