I have this basic setup:
Http Request -> Hardware OpenWRT Router -> Apache -> IIS. Between Apache and IIS there's a simple mod_proxy
config like:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin me@mail.com
ServerName steam.domain.com
ProxyPass / timeout=600 Keepalive=On
ProxyPassReverse /
</VirtualHost *:80>
The application itself hosted on IIS works flawlessly except for one thing - when I've followed the guide from website then I'm having my Steam OpenID return url set to instead of steam.domain.com. Host is in the OpenID query string, so I suppose that it can be changed somehow?
Edit: The issue is when I click Steam
button on login view I end up with SteamCommunity login screen with Sign In through Steam at
instead of Sign In through Steam at steam.domain.com
as per picture:
The return url is build on the request launched when the user click on the link to authenticate himself via Steam:
private string BuildReturnTo(string state)
return Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host +
RequestPathBase + Options.CallbackPath +
"?state=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(state);
In OpenIDAuthenticationHandler.cs.
So I think that the problem is just in dev (I assume the website is still in dev cause of the ip address 192.168, but I know nothing about Hardware OpenWRT Router and mod_proxy).