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Including XSD with same XML namespaces?

We can have same namespace for included XSD and including XSD, but is it OK to have it like this? Is this in according to standards for xsd:include tag ?

The Eclipse, (IBM integration designer) isn't giving any warning/errors.

Following is the XSD to be included;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema targetNamespace="" 
<simpleType name="FirstName">
    <restriction base="string"></restriction>
<simpleType name="LastName">
    <restriction base="string"></restriction>
<complexType name="completeNameType">
        <element name="FirstName" type="tns:FirstName"></element>
        <element name="LastName" type="tns:LastName"></element>

<element name="completeName" type="tns:completeNameType"></element>

and following XSD is including it,

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schema targetNamespace=""
    <include schemaLocation="included.xsd"></include>

    <element name="completeName" type="tns:completeNameType"></element>


  • Yes.

    Use xsd:include to bring in an XSD from the same or no namespace. (Including an XSD with no namespace to one with a namespace will result in the included XSD components assuming the namespace of the including XSD. Henry Thompson named such a pattern, chameleonic.)

    Use xsd:import to bring in an XSD from a different namespace.