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Named indexed property in C#?

A few languages - like Delphi - has a very convenient way of creating indexers: not only the whole class, but even single properties can be indexed, for instance:

type TMyClass = class(TObject)
    function GetMyProp(index : integer) : string;
    procedure SetMyProp(index : integer; value : string);
    property MyProp[index : integer] : string read GetMyProp write SetMyProp;

This can be used easily:

var c : TMyClass;

    c = TMyClass.Create;
    c.MyProp[5] := 'Ala ma kota';

Is there a way to achieve the same effect in C# easily?


  • The well-known solution is to create a proxy class:

    public class MyClass
        public class MyPropProxy
            private MyClass c;
            // ctor etc.
            public string this[int index]
                    return c.list[index];
                    c.list[index] = value;
        private List<string> list;
        private MyPropProxy myPropProxy;
        // ctor etc.
        public MyPropProxy MyProp
                return myPropProxy;

    But (with exception, that this actually solves the problem), this solution introduces mostly only cons:

    • It causes the code to be polluted by (possibly) a lot of small proxy classes.
    • Presented solution breaks encapsulation a little (inner class accesses private members of the outer class), a better one would pass an instance of list to MyPropProxy's ctor, what would require even more code.
    • Exposing internal helper classes is not something I would suggest. One may solve that by introducing additional interface, but that's even one more entity to implement (test, maintain etc.)

    There's another way, though. It also pollutes the code a little, but surely a lot less, than the previous one:

    public interface IMyProp
        string this[int index] { get; }
    public class MyClass : IMyProp
        private List<string> list;
        string IMyProp.this[int index]
                return list[index];
                list[index] = value;
        // ctor etc.
        public IMyProp MyProp 
                return this;


    • No proxy classes (which occupy space in memory, serve only a single purpose and (in the simplest solution) breaks encapsulation.
    • Simple solution, requires little code to add another indexed property


    • Each property requires a different public interface
    • With increase of indexed properties, the class implements more and more interfaces

    This is the simplest (in terms of code length and complexity) way of introducing indexed properties to C#. Unless someone posts even shorter and simpler one, of course.