I'm working on the 1st imap() project. I want to count every message type - unread, read, reply and deleted. Only the "reply" status that consumes me a lot of time. I tried to search here and google. But no luck. Some says I need to create my own way to count it coz there's no such a universal function for it.
So may I have you guys a suggestion on how to count it. Or point me the way to do so. (I don't ask for a complete code. Just only suggestions.)
You may look into imap_search
$sentfolder = "{".$host."}".'SENT'; //sent folder name
$outbox = imap_open($sentfolder,$username ,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Mail: ' . imap_last_error());
$sent_msgs = imap_search($outbox, 'ALL');
// match messages with the \\ANSWERED flag set
$sent_msgs = imap_search($outbox, 'ANSWERED');