I am writing a program which is supposed to read and write MAC-addresses from and to the white-list of a local router.
I have managed to read the current table content of this so called "wlanACLTable", but I can't manage to add another row to this table using SNMP.
I searched for examples but all of them were for scalar values.
The device I want to contact is a router, a W2002 from Teldat
To add a row, you need to write the data in a new row within the table. The OID to use is the Table OID+ the column + the IP + the IfIndex(the Network id you want to configure) + the row
EG: + ".1" + "." + ".200000" + ".1337"
Table: Column 1: MAC (format: 6 Numbers 0-255) Column 2: IfIndex (Integer Column 3: Status row(enabled 1, Disabled 2, delete 3) Write it to a single PDU just like
pdu.addAll(new VariableBinding[]{new VariableBinding(new OID(Table_OID + ".1"+"."+stringMac +"."+IfIndex+"." + freeRow),mac),
new VariableBinding(new OID(Table_OID + ".2"+"."+stringMac +"."+IfIndex+"." + freeRow),new Integer32(IfIndex)),
new VariableBinding(new OID(Table_OID + ".3"+"."+stringMac +"."+IfIndex+"." + freeRow),new Integer32(1))});
Finally, to write the data: Send them with a low level Set request, in this case SNMP V3:
private Snmp snmp;
public boolean executeSetRequest(String AccessName, String AccessPassword, ScopedPDU pdu) throws IOException {
snmp.getUSM().addUser(new OctetString(AccessName), new UsmUser(new OctetString(AccessName), AuthMD5.ID, new OctetString(AccessPassword), PrivDES.ID, new OctetString(AccessPassword)));
ResponseEvent response = snmp.send(pdu, getUserTarget(AccessName));
if (response == null)
throw new RuntimeException("SET timed out");
return true;