In my UITableView i have multiple secions with date titles. the dates are sorted by date in a NSMutableArray. my sections are showing the correct dates, that works fine, and the numberofrowsinnsection works fine too. For the cells textlabels I got NSMutableArrays that are sorted in the same order like the sorted dates. How do I get the correct textlabel for the corresponding date(section)? With indexpath.section it works only when there is 1 row in a section. When i got 2 or more rows in a section the textlabels have wrong values. i understand that this could be done with dictionaries, but i couldn´t find a solution.
@property NSMutableArray *dateArray; //date for my sections
@property NSMutableArray *hoursArray; //hours for cells textlabel
my sections
"January 2014",
"April 2014",
"June 2014"
my hours:
When i use Cell.textlabel.text =[hoursarray objectatindex:indexpath.row] It always starts at index 0 in every section.
When i use Cell.textlabel.text =[hoursarray objectatindex:indexpath.section] It has the correct sorting when there is only 1 row each section. But when there are more rows in a section, the order is wrong
You have to create your datasource sorted so just create a sectionArray of rowArray and then use it accordingly. Then you can use it like this:
Cell.textlabel.text = [[sectionArray objectatindex:indexpath.section] objectAtIndex:indexpath.row];
Now you just need to manage your datasource aacordingly.
UPDATED: You can create 2D array like this
NSMutableArray *dateArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for(int i=0; i<=dateData.length; i++)
NSMutableArray *hoursArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for(int j=0; j<=hoursData.length; j++)
[hoursArray addObject:yourObject];
[dateArray addObject:hoursArray];
This is just an example, however you can optimize according to your need.