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How to transform from SRID 4258 to 4326 in PostGIs

I have a column with polygons with the SRID 4258, I have been trying to transform that column to SRID 4326 but does not transform it correctly.

I have done using this two commands:

SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('lig','geom',4326);
UPDATE lig SET geom=ST_TRANSFORM(ST_SETSRID(geom, 4258), 4326);

Any clues? I mean it should work!

Thanks in advance!


  • I'm guessing you are using PostGIS 2.x, where you can directly specify the ALTER TABLE DDL to change the definition of the table and update the column as required by ST_Transform:

     ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(Polygon, 4326)
       USING ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(geom, 4258), 4326);

    If you are still using PostGIS 1.x, follow some of these instructions to modify the geometry type.