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How to reply to user of post using mailboxer

I have been working on user massaging for my rails app using the mailboxer gem.

For some reason I can't render the messages form and my values aren't being passed, like What's a way of doing this? I know I'm close but I'm fondling hardcore with this one In my views/posts/show.html.erb:

<strong>title & author</strong>
<h2><%= @post.title %></h2>

   <p><%= %></p>

<strong>course</strong><br />
<h1><%= @post.course %></h1>

<strong>school</strong><br />
<h1><%= %></h1>

 <strong>price</strong><br />
<h1><%= @post.price %></h1>

  <strong>Posted by</strong><br />
  <%= %>
    <br />
   <h1><%= word_wrap(@post.description, :line_width => 8) %></h1>

   <br />
    DATE POSTED: <%= @post.created_at %><br /><br />


  <%= link_to "reply", new_message_path %>
<!--%= render 'messages/form', conversation: conversation % -->

When I click on new message path this is the page it goes to: view/messages/new.html.erb

Send a message to

<%= @user.username %>
<%= form_tag({controller: "messages", action: "create"}, method: :post) do %>
 <%= label_tag :subject %>
 <%= text_field_tag :subject %>
<%= label :body, "Message text" %>
<%= text_area_tag :body %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(:user, "#{}") %>
<%= submit_tag 'Send message' %>
<% end %>

I would like to pass the value of the username of the post, or pass to the messages form.

The other way I tried to do it, and the way I prefer of doing it is to <%= render 'messages/form', conversation: conversation %> but when I do that I get

undefined method error for 'conversation'


 <%= form_for :message, url: [:reply, conversation] do |f| %>
 <%= f.text_area :body %>
 <%= f.submit "Send Message", class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
 <%= submit_tag 'Clear Reply Box', type: :reset, class: 'btn btn-danger' %>
 <% end %>

Basically I want to add a reply button to a post and let the user send a message to the user who posted. I'm using devise and all users are logged in.


  • You should define the new message nested under post in your routes.rb...

      resources :posts do
        resources :messages, only: [:new, :create]

    That will give you a path new_post_message GET /posts/:posts_id/messages/new messages#create

    You would specify the post as part of the link

    <%= link_to 'reply', new_post_message_path(@post) %>

    That passes the param[:post_id] to the create method in the messages controller so you can retrieve the post, set it to an instance variable, and use it in the view/messages/new format.