I'm editing the .htaccess file in order to make some overwrites to my php.ini file (I don't have access to it). So far, I've added:
php_value max_execution_time 600
php_value error_reporting E_WARNING
php_value log_errors Off
The application I'm editing for (vTiger CRM) recommends that "error_reporting" is set to "E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE". When I put in that value I end up with a Error 500. How can I add the proper error_reporting values? Thanks.
Using constants such as E_WARNING
has no meaning outside of PHP -- and when you're writting a .htaccess
file, you are "outside of PHP". (see the documentation of error_reporting
, for instance)
So, you cannot use those constants, and have to use their integer values, which you can find here : Predefined Constants
The easiest way to know which value you should use, in your specific case, is to use a small PHP script to do the calculation.
For instance :
var_dump(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
Will output :
int 30711
(Much easiser than going through the constants' values, and calculating yourself I suppose ^^ )