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Rails Heroku starting Unicorn with Procfile

I am trying to run a Rails app on Heroku using Unicorn.

I realized this morning that Heroku was starting Webrick instead of Unicorn.

I believe the problem was that the "Procfile" shows uppercase P on my iMac, but when I send to GIT it ends up lowercase. I fixed the case and sent it to Github. I view on Github and the case is correct.

Now my issue is I can't tell if Unicorn is running or not. How can I tell? What should I look for?

Thanks for the help!

PS -- Also, how can I tell for sure that the Git repository on Heroku has the Uppercase "Procfile"?


  • Type heroku ps -a <your_app_name> to see your running processes on Heroku. If you want to see the files you have on remote, either clone from Heroku remote or run heroku run bash -a <your_app_name> and then type ls.