Search code examples

Working example of AngularJS $resource searching items in Web Api

I'm learning how to use AngularJS's $resource to call a Web Api backend. I want to pass an object hierarchy in as criteria and get back an IEnumerable<Program>. Here's an example of the criteria:

$scope.criteria = {
            Name: "Cat1",
            Options: [
                {Text: "Opt1", Value: true},
                {Text: "Opt2", Value: false}
            Name: "Cat2",
            Options: [
                {Text: "Opt3", Value: true},
                {Text: "Opt4", Value: false}

I have the same objects defined on the server in C#.

public class CriteriaModel
   public IEnumerable<CriteriaCategory> Categories { get; set; }

public class CriteriaCategory
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<CriteriaOption> Options { get; set; }

public class CriteriaOption
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public bool Value { get; set; }

Here's how I am configuring $resource:

    .factory('api', [
        function ($resource) {
            return {
                Profile: $resource('/api/profile/:id', { id: '@id' }),
                Settings: $resource('/api/settings/:id', { id: '@id' }),
                Program: $resource('/api/program/:id', { id: '@id' })

And I call it like this:

api.Program.query({ criteria: $scope.criteria }, function (response) {
    $scope.programs = response;

No matter what I try I either get null as the criteria parameter or the action doesn't execute at all. I don't know if the problem is in angular, web api, or both. Here is the action:

public class ProgramController : ApiController
    public IEnumerable<Program> GetByCriteria([FromUri]CriteriaModel criteria)
        // Either criteria is null or this action doesn't even get
        // executed depending on what I try.

Can someone help me get a working example going for searching and returning items using AngularJS $resource and Web Api?


  • You're going to need a custom model binder. From what I understand FromUri will not handle complex nested types or json which $resource will put in the query string.

    Model binder:

    public class CriteriaModelBinder : IModelBinder
        public bool BindModel(
            HttpActionContext actionContext,
            ModelBindingContext bindingContext
            if (bindingContext.ModelType != typeof (CriteriaModel))
                return false;
            var value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("Categories");
            if (value == null)
                return false;
            var categoryJson = value.RawValue as IEnumerable<string>;
            if (categoryJson == null)
                    bindingContext.ModelName, "Categories cannot be null.");
                return false;
            var categories = categoryJson
            bindingContext.Model = new CriteriaModel {Categories = categories};
            return true;


    public class ProgramController : ApiController
        public HttpResponseMessage GetByCriteria(
            [ModelBinder(typeof(CriteriaModelBinder))]CriteriaModel criteria
            return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);

    Angular Controller:

        controller('HomeController', function($scope, $resource) {
            var Program = $resource('/api/program/:id', {}, {
                getByCriteria: {
                    url: '/api/program/getbycriteria',
                    method: 'GET',
                    isArray: true
            var program = new Program();
            var criteria = {
                Categories: [
                        Name: "Cat1",
                        Options: [
                            { Text: "Opt1", Value: true },
                            { Text: "Opt2", Value: false }
                        Name: "Cat2",
                        Options: [
                            { Text: "Opt3", Value: true },
                            { Text: "Opt4", Value: false }
            $scope.submit = function () {


    Here is for POST:


    public class ProgramController : ApiController
        public HttpResponseMessage GetByCriteria(CriteriaModel criteria)
            return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);


        controller('HomeController', function($scope, $resource) {
            var Program = $resource('/api/program/:id', {}, {
                getByCriteria: {
                    url: '/api/program/getbycriteria',
                    method: 'POST',
                    isArray: true
            var program = new Program();
            program.Categories = [
                        Name: "Cat1",
                        Options: [
                            { Text: "Opt1", Value: true },
                            { Text: "Opt2", Value: false }
                        Name: "Cat2",
                        Options: [
                            { Text: "Opt3", Value: true },
                            { Text: "Opt4", Value: false }
            $scope.submit = function () {