I am using Fortran90 freeformat coding and intel ifort compiler to create a user subroutine that is than further used in a finite element calculation in ABAQUS. This routine works just fine one a single core. However when using it in parallel mode (MPI) the simulation crashes with (signal 11) I tracked it down to the following codelines. This will cause errors
BBAR1 = J**(-2d0/3d0)*( MATMUL( F1,TRANSPOSE(F1) ) )
where this version will do it:
BBAR1 = J**(-2d0/3d0)*BBAR1
It is driving my crazy. Does anyone has any ideas why that is?
Grateful for any advice
Finally I got the solution to this. Today I randomly tried to downgrade my intel compiler version from ifort 14.0 to ifort 12.1.5 Now everything works just fine.... This really odd. Somehow the parallel solution in ABAQUS works not properly with the newest Intel release.