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Raphael JS: how to correctly drag using 'transform'?

I am using Raphael JS to drag a small icon along the y-direction, inside a grey bounding box. Two questions:

  1. How can I make sure the icon can be dragged multiple times, without the icon returning to its initial position each time?
  2. How can I force the icon to stay within the grey bounding box?

The code:


  • Dear friend your drag and drop functions are not correct. You should use it like this. And for controling border you should control image's y with paper's borders.

    var start = function () {
        this.y = this.attr("y");
    move = function (dx, dy) {
        if (borderControl(r, dy)) {
              y: this.y + dy
    up = function () {};

    And your borderControl function:

    function borderControl(model, dy) {
         var modelBox = model.getBBox();
         if (modelBox.y > 0 && modelBox.height + modelBox.y < CANVAS_HEIGHT) return true
         if (modelBox.y + modelBox.height >= CANVAS_HEIGHT && dy < 0) return true
         if (modelBox.y <= 0 && dy > 0) return true
         return false