Search code examples

Given an integer z<=10^100, find the smallest row of Pascal's triangle that contains z

How can I find an algorithm to solve this problem using C++: given an integer z<=10^100, find the smallest row of Pascal's triangle that contains the number z.

   1 1
  1 2 1
 1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

For example if z=6 => result is on the 4th row.

Another way to describe the problem: given integer z<=10^100, find the smallest integer n: exist integer k so that C(k,n) = z.

C(k,n) is combination of n things taken k at a time without repetition


  • EDIT This solution needs Logarithmic time, it's O(Log z). Or maybe O( (Log z)^2 ).

    Say you are looking for n,k where Binomial(n,k)==z for a given z.

    1. Each row has its largest value in the middle, so starting from n=0 you increase the row number, n, as long as the middle value is smaller than the given number. Actually, 10^100 isn't that big, so before row 340 you find a position n0,k0=n0/2 where the value from the triangle is larger than or equal to z: Binomial(n0,k0)>=z

    2. You walk to the left, i.e. you decrease the column number k, until eventually you find a value smaller than z. If there was a matching value in that row you would have hit it by now. k is not very large, less than 170, so this step won't be executed more often than that and does not present a performance problem.

    3. From here you walk down, increasing n. Here you will find a steadily increasing value of Binomial[n,k]. Continue with 3 until the value gets bigger than or equal to z, then goto 2.

    EDIT: This step 3 can loop for a very long time when the row number n is large, so instead of checking each n linearly you can do a binary search for n with Binomial(n,k) >= z > Binomial(n-1,k), then it only needs Log(n) time.

    A Python implementation looks like this, C++ is similar but somewhat more cumbersome because you need to use an additional library for arbitrary precision integers:

    # Calculate (n-k+1)* ... *n
    def getnk( n, k ):
        a = n
        for u in range( n-k+1, n ):
            a = a * u
        return a
    # Find n such that Binomial(n,k) >= z and Binomial(n-1,k) < z
    def find_n( z, k, n0 ):
        kfactorial = k
        for u in range(2, k):
            kfactorial *= u
        xk = z * kfactorial            
        nk0 = getnk( n0, k )
        nk1 = getnk( n1, k )
        # duplicate n while the value is too small
        while nk1 < xk:
            nk1 = getnk( n1, k )
        # do a binary search
        while n1 > n0 + 1:
            n2 = (n0+n1) // 2
            nk2 = getnk( n2, k )
            if nk2 < xk:
                n0 = n2
                nk0 = nk2
                n1 = n2
                nk1 = nk2
        return n1, nk1 // kfactorial
    def find_pos( z ):
        # start by finding a row where the middle value is bigger than z
        while nk < z:
            # increase n
            n = n + 1
            nk = nk * n // (n-k)
            if nk >= z:
            # increase both n and k
            n = n + 1
            k = k + 1
            nk = nk * n // k
        # check all subsequent rows for a matching value
        while nk != z:
            if nk > z:
                # decrease k
                k = k - 1
                nk = nk * (k+1) // (n-k)
                # increase n
                # either linearly
                #  n = n + 1
                #  nk = nk * n // (n-k)
                # or using binary search:
                n, nk = find_n( z, k, n )
        return n, k
    z = 56476362530291763837811509925185051642180136064700011445902684545741089307844616509330834616
    print( find_pos(z) )

    It should print

    (5864079763474581, 6)