What's really confusing is when I capture the image with the phone camera, I use FileTransfer.moveTo
and it sends the image to a specified folder on my SD card as desired. I also keep a list of image objects in localStorage
that looks something like this:
ean: "42208556"
image: "file:///storage/sdcard0/PhotoscanPhotos/d51b5b77-aab1-9947-096d-b0a92dfb87eafoto.jpg"
timestamp: 1396441761000
__proto__: Object
etc etc
As part of my app, i use the same image[i].image as src attribute to dynamically add images to a list and it works fine. However, using the same parameter for FileTransfer.upload
gives me the above error.
My function is a near replica of the API docs (Cordova 3.1). Code is as follows:
function uploadImagesAsJpegs(imageObject) {
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.fileKey = "file";
//alert(options.fileName);//debugging ............we're happy with this
options.chunkedMode = true;
var serverUrl =;
var params = {};
params.value1 = ean;
params.value2 = imageObject.timestamp;
options.params = params;
var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
//alert(encodeURI(serverURL));//debugging ............we're happy with this
//alert("image to upload is: " + imageObject.image);//debugging............we're happy with this
fileTransfer.upload(imageObject.image, encodeURI(serverURL), onUploadSuccess, onUploadFail, options);
Serverside script was wrong... naturally I should have figured that out given the obvious FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR
error message. Apologies for wasting everyone's time and thank you for making the effort.