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How to output huge dependency relationships diagram of Plone with Graphviz?

I wrote a tool for find dependency relationships behind a Python project. It is Gluttony. I run it on Plone, the result is impressive. I output the diagram with Networkx, and it looks like this:

Dependency diagram of Plone, output by Networkx

(Gee! It looks like World of Goo!)

A mess! I didn't handle layout with Networkx. That's why it is a mess. The tool can output Graphviz format file. I tried to render the diagram with dot command. I use command like this:

dot -Kdot -Tpng -oplone

I got a huge image after long running, but the result seems wrong. I can't see anything on the result image. It looks like a white paper, nothing on it. What's wrong? Is the diagram too big to render? What should I do for rendering such a huge complex diagram?

I can get correct result from other small diagram, like this one: Dependency diagram of sprox

Even a much bigger diagram can be rendered correctly, let's see the diagram of TurboGears2

I think it should be fun to see the dependency relationship of such monster project like Plone. Also it is useful for researching. Unfortunately, I can't output diagram correctly. Cold someone help me out? Thanks.

Here is the Graphviz format file of Plone:


  • The command dot -Tsvg > plone.svg renders this scalable vecor graphic:

    alt text

    I can open the .svg file fine in Inkscape and zoom in till 100%.