I want to upload my sqlite DB file to DropBox. But before that I need to get the sqlite Db file in code. How can I do this on any device? I checked on this link, and it says that the user needs root permissions to access the database.
So in short:
How can I access my sqlite database with non rooted devices? eg File f = new File("path_to_db_file");
If that approach is impossible, how can I save my app database in a place that I will be able to gain access to it?
Please let me know if I can explain anything. Thank you in advance
Yes you can, something like this worked for me without root permission:
File Db = new File("/data/data/your.package/databases/yourdatabasename");
Date d = new Date();
File file = new File("your_destination.db");
copyFile(new FileInputStream(Db), new FileOutputStream(file));
Copy file is a function like this, and works in both directions DB->File and File->DB:
public static void copyFile(FileInputStream fromFile, FileOutputStream toFile) throws IOException {
FileChannel fromChannel = null;
FileChannel toChannel = null;
try {
fromChannel = fromFile.getChannel();
toChannel = toFile.getChannel();
fromChannel.transferTo(0, fromChannel.size(), toChannel);
} finally {
try {
if (fromChannel != null) {
} finally {
if (toChannel != null) {