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ExtJS ComboBox: allow user to select no value (null)

I have an Ext ComboBox where the user should be able to choose no value. ExtJS doen't support that out of the box.

What I've tried:

use a second trigger that clears the value

Works but is not very usable. I want a better solution.

add "fake" null item to store:

While this does kind of work I would have to modify the model for that to allow null value for id. And this looks more like a hack.

set custom tpl like

'<ul class="x-list-plain">',
  '<li role="option" unselectable="on" class="x-boundlist">(no selection)</li>',
  '<tpl for=".">',
    '<li role="option" unselectable="on" class="x-boundlist-item">{name}</li>',

But now it's getting really difficult, now idea how to get that working properly.


with custom tpl:


  • Please refer this link How to add an empty item to ExtJS combobox?

    Update: jsfiddle with that solution implemented:

    var combo = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', {
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        displayField: 'name',
        valueField: 'abbr',
        value: 'AL',
        store: Ext.create('', {
            model: 'State',
            data: states
        queryMode: 'local',
        editable: false,
        emptyText: 'No Selection',
        listConfig: {
            tpl: '<div class="my-boundlist-item-menu">No Selection</div>'
                + '<tpl for=".">'
                + '<div class="x-boundlist-item">{name}</div></tpl>',
            listeners: {
                el: {
                    delegate: '.my-boundlist-item-menu',
                    click: function() {