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Plotting in R language using ggplot

I have a list of cities and their coordinates, and also for each city I have a variable varA which I want to represent in a map using ggplot and bubble chart. For example :

CityA  lat 22.93977 lon 46.70663 varA 545
CityB  lat 23.93977 lon 46.70663 varA 122

VarA values begin from 0 to 3000. I want the color scale to represent this range appropriately. Can you help?


  • A bubble chart in ggplot2 is actually a point plot (geom_point), where the size aesthetic is assigned to a (continuous) variable. The following example shows a bubble chart as you described for the meuse dataset (part of the sp package). It shows heavy metal concentrations close to the river meuse in the Netherlands.

    ggplot(meuse, aes(x = x, y = y, size = zinc)) + geom_point()

    enter image description here