I have FB App and through it created group, so I can invite/add new members of this group (via Facebook Graph API). It works perfect 4 days ago, but now I get error
"(#3) Application must be whitelisted or users must be testers."
and I can't add new member again. I can't find anywhere what's a "whitelist" and how to add my App on it. Can anyone advise me?
Your application must be in development mode, so you cannot send invitations to the users other than administrators/testers/developers of the application.
So either make your app live-
Or, if you don't want to make the app live for now, add some more testers whom you can send the invites-
Also check if your app is published in App Center as a game or not? In that case the documentation says-
App and Game Groups is currently in Beta. While in beta, only games that are in the App Center will have Game Groups enabled. For development purposes, the Game Groups API will work for application admins, developers, testers and test users.