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python loop of radix sort

i just write another radix sort program, here is my code:

#----------radix sort----------
def set_output():
    output_list = []
    for i in range (10):
    return output_list

def set_radix(lists):
    output_list = set_output()
    for queue in lists:
        for num in queue:
            a = num[2]
    return output_list

def sec_radix(input_list, i):
    output_list = set_output()
    for queue in input_list:
        while len(queue) > 0:
            num = queue.after()
            a = num[i]
    return output_list

def done_radix(num_list):
    return sec_radix(sec_radix(set_radix(num_list), 1), 0)

the python shell keeps telling me that "IndexError: string index out of range", my string of numbers is all right. i think something wrong with my def set_radix()function, but i can't find out where is it?


  • Here is a radix sort coded so someone reasonable can understand it. I stole most of it from here.

    def radixsort( aList ):
      RADIX = 10
      maxLength = False
      tmp , placement = -1, 1
      while not maxLength:
        maxLength = True
        # declare and initialize buckets
        buckets = [list() for _ in range( RADIX )]
        # split aList between lists
        for  i in aList:
          tmp = i // placement
          print ("i is " , i)
          print ("placement is " , placement)
          print ("tmp is ", tmp)
          print ("tmp % RADIX is ", tmp % RADIX)
          buckets[tmp % RADIX].append( i )
          if maxLength and tmp > 0:
            maxLength = False
        # empty lists into aList array
        a = 0
        for b in range( RADIX ):
          buck = buckets[b]
          for i in buck:
            aList[a] = i
            a += 1
        # move to next digit
        placement *= RADIX
      return aList
    a = radixsort([18,5,100,3,1,19,6,0,7,4,2])

    The code on the site I got it from had some issues arising from % yielding a float. I suspect differences from python 2 to 3.