I'm trying to write a snippet of code that adds an ID to a set so I can see if its already been used, and stores the set in a file. I've been attempting to do this by using the Shelve module but I'm running into a bit of trouble. So far I have this code
import praw
import datetime
import shelve
user_agent ='Removed'
r = praw.Reddit(user_agent=user_agent)
submission = r.get_submission(submission_id='11v36o')
files = shelve.open("PrawTest3.dat", writeback=True)
print "Opened!"
already_done = {}
files["already_done"] = ["a","b"]
done = set()
print "Running"
while True:
subreddit = r.get_subreddit('mobilebot')
all_comments = subreddit.get_comments()
files = shelve.open("PrawTest2.dat", writeback=True)
already_done = files["already_done"]
for comment in all_comments:
if (comment.body == "Hello") and (comment.id not in already_done) and (comment.id not in done):
files = shelve.open("PrawTest2.dat", writeback=True)
comment.reply(' world!')
already_done = files["already_done"]
files[already_done] = already_done
print "Shelves working"
a = datetime.datetime.now()
b = "%s:%s:%s" % (a.hour,a.minute, a.second)
print "["+b+"]"+"Comment sent!"
Python's list can't be used as a key for a shelve or dic as it doesn't have a hash value. But I think your problem is just a typo in this line:
files[already_done] = already_done
I think you want it to be
files["already_done"] = already_done