i want to implement iCloud into my app: Its a short game. One round takes 3-5 minutes and after that you get xp, coins or whatever. Its really just 5 key-value-pairs and is only updated after every round. Syncing problems aside, apples documentation states:
The key-value store is intended for storing data that changes infrequently. If the apps on a device make frequent changes to the key-value store, the system may defer the synchronization of some changes in order to minimize the number of round trips to the server. The more frequently apps make changes, the more likely it is that later changes will be deferred and not show up on other devices right away.
Given the simplicity and size of my data i would still go for the key-value-storage but after i read this i am not too sure about it. Apple suggests Document storage for complex app states and Key-value storage for simple app states. So my question is:
When the data changes this frequently, is it better to use document storage, even if my data is that simple?
Key value it's a mess. It doesn't sync quickly with icloud, the sync is controlled by the operating system. So frustrating. Go with document/core data