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Rebar fails to compile application with badarg on is_app_available

My erlang application named "myapp1" builds fine using rebar as far as I do not include another erlang application "my_other_app" under its dependencies (deps). Once I add it to my dependencies, and specify it under rebar.config, its build fails in error as such:

> rebar compile
Uncaught error in rebar_core: {'EXIT',

The rebar.config is

%%-*- mode: erlang -*-

{deps, [
          {webmachine, "1.10.*", {git, "git://", "HEAD"}},

The tree structure is as such:


As far as I remove the my_other_app from the rebar.config, everything works (except that the application does not function given the fact I am excluding a required depdency, but at least it compiles after I comment the code that uses that dependency.

I am trying to understand what the "is_app_available" function does in rebar, as my my_other_app is indeed an OTP application, but it is not started at the time I compile with rebar (it will be started by the myapp1 itself once some services start.


  • Found the issue...

    The dependency application had a Vsn (version) to its file that was not a string ( numeric value instead ). This caused rebar to error. Certainly rebar could have a more friendly capture/error message...

    Therefore, make sure to verify the {vsn, "1.1"} tag, so it has a string rather than decimal/numeric.

    {application, my_other_app, [
        {description, "my other appapplication"},
        {vsn, "1.1"},
        {applications, [kernel, stdlib]},
        {modules, [.........etc.etc.etc......]},
        {registered, [my_other_app]},
        {mod,{ my_other_app, {true} } }