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Regarding Java subclasses inheriting methods that return "this"

Have a class Car with a public method

public Car myself() {
  return this;

Have a subclass Ferrari, and a variable foo that contains a Ferrari object.


Ferrari bar = foo.myself();

This will warn you, because the method myself() returns a Car object, rather than the expected Ferrari.

Note: I know that the example is stupid because you'd just do bar = foo. It's just an example.


  • Override the myself() method in Ferrari.
  • Cast the Car object to a Ferrari object when assigning bar.

Both solutions work and I am okay with that. However, the first one is undesirable when you have several subclasses of Car. I feel that overriding a method over and over defeats the point of inheriting it. Next, regarding the second solution, casting is not pretty. It feels silly - if my variable is of type Ferrari, shouldn't Java be able to implicitly cast it without warning me? After all, Java must know that the returned object can be casted to Ferrari, no?

Is there another workaround? Just out of curiosity - I can live with casting stuff, telling Java what things are supposed to be...


  • This solution uses generics in a way that is used more often in the Java libraries.

    It works and you don't have to cast the result every time nor override the myself method in every subclass.

    I believe that it is the only solution that doesn't require overriding or casting. It does require each subclass to use its own type as a type parameter to the superclass Car: class Ferrari extends Car<Ferrari>

    class Car<X extends Car<X>> {
        public X myself() {
            return (X) this;
    class Ferrari extends Car<Ferrari> {

    And then use it as you intended:

    Ferrari testarossa = new Ferrari().myself();

    This concept is used in the Java standard libraries a few times as well in one way or another:


    public abstract class Enum<E extends Enum<E>>


    public interface Comparable<T>

    (You're supposed to pass your own class type when you implement a comparable: class ShoeSize implements Comparable<ShoeSize>)

    Method chaining

    There's a good use for this too - there is a pattern, favored by some, that allows method chaining. This is what StringBuilder does: new StringBuilder().append("a").append("b").toString(). However a class that supports method chaining is often hard to subclass. Using the approach I outlined above makes it possible to subclass in this situation.