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Upstart script for New Relic monitoring plugin

I am trying to start a New Relic monitoring plugin MeetMe/newrelic_plugin_agent with upstart on Ubuntu 12.04. Here is the script I wrote:

env USER=newrelic
env DAEMON="/usr/local/bin/newrelic_plugin_agent"
env DAEMONARGS=" -c /etc/newrelic/newrelic_plugin_agent.cfg"

start on startup
stop on shutdown

exec start-stop-daemon --start --chuid $USER --exec $DAEMON --$DAEMONARGS

The following error is written to the corresponding upstart log: Error starting /usr/local/bin/newrelic_plugin_agent: Cannot write to specified pid file path /var/run/newrelic/

If I add --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/newrelic/ parameters to start-stop-daemon:

exec start-stop-daemon --start --make-pidfile --pidfile
/var/run/newrelic/ --chuid $USER

the log contains start-stop-daemon: unable to open pidfile '/var/run/newrelic/' for writing (No such file or directory).

/var/run/newrelic/ folder exists and is owned by newrelic user and is assigned to new relic group.

How do I write the upstart script, so that the newrelic_plugin_agent is started in boot?


  • I have not managed to start the New Relic plugin by using upstart, but there was a much simpler way to have it startet on boot. The Plugin also contains init.d scripts for RedHat and Ubuntu (here). So just

    1. Copy /opt/newrelic_plugin_agent/newrelic_plugin_agent.deb in /etc/init.d folder: cp /opt/newrelic_plugin_agent/newrelic_plugin_agent.deb /etc/init.d/newrelic_plugin_agent
    2. Make the copied script executable: sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/newrelic_plugin_agent
    3. Configure this script to run on system boot: update-rc.d newrelic_plugin_agent defaults
    4. Start the script: /etc/init.d/newrelic_plugin_agent start