I have an image and I want to be able to get the hue values out of specific points on the image.
I've been using impixel to get out the color values, but was wondering if theres a function like impixel to get the hue value of speicifc pixels.
Use rgb2hsv
after impixel
im = imread('peppers.png'); %// example image
im = im2double(im); %// convert to double values in [0, 1]
c = [12 146 410]; %// column coordinates of desired pixels
r = [104 156 129]; %// row coordinates of desired pixels
pixels = impixel(im,c,r); %// rgb values of pixels
hsv = rgb2hsv(pixels); %// convert to hsv
hue = hsv(:,1); %// hue is first column of hsv