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Get Arbitrary Slices of Bits from Bytestring

I want to use a lazy Bytestring to represent a stream of bits. I need to be able to take arbitrary slices of bits from this stream efficiently. For example, I might have a ByteString of length 10, and I'd like slice a new ByteString consisting of bits 24-36 from the original ByteString.

The problem is that ByteStrings are arrays of Word8s, so taking ranges that are not multiples of 8 is difficult. The best I've been able to come up with is this, using Data.Binary and Data.Binary.Bits. Note that get32BitRange is specifically for ranges <= 32.

get32BitRange :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
get32BitRange lo hi = runPut . putWord32be
                    . runGet (runBitGet . block $ word8 (8 - (lo `quot` 8)) *> word32be len)
                    . drop offset
    where len = hi - lo
          lo' = lo `div` 8
          offset = fromIntegral lo' - 1

The algorithm is:

  • find the index of the first Word8 containing the bits I want
  • drop from the ByteString up to that index
  • if the low end of the bit range is not a multiple of 8, there will be some excess bits at the beginning of the Word8, so skip those
  • get (hi - lo) bits, and store in a Word32
  • put that Word32 into a ByteString

It looks more than a little ugly, is there a more efficient way to grab arbitrary slices of bits from a ByteString?

EDIT: here is a more efficient version

get32BitRange :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> Word32
get32BitRange lo hi = runGet get
    where get = runBitGet . block $ byteString byteOff *> word8 bitOff *> word32be len
          len = hi - lo
          (byteOff, bitOff) = lo `quotRem` 8


  • I'm going to mark this as resolved. This is what I ended up using:

    get32BitRange :: Int -> Int -> ByteString -> Word32
    get32BitRange lo hi = assert (lo < hi) $
        runGet (runBitGet bitGet)
        where bitGet = block $ byteString byteOff
                             *> word8 bitOff
                             *> word32be len
              len = hi - lo
              (byteOff, bitOff) = lo `quotRem` 8