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How to serialize object to AST using json4s?

I am writing a Customer Serializer. In that Serializer I would like to somehow say: "and this thing you already know how to serialize".

My current approach looks like that:

    import org.json4s.native.Serialization._
    import org.json4s.JsonDSL.WithBigDecimal._

    object WindowSerializer extends CustomSerializer[Window](format =>
      ( [omitted],
          case Window(frame, size) =>

            ( "size" -> size ) ~
            ( "frame" -> parse(write(frame)) )

That parse(write(frame)) things is both ugly and inefficient. How to fix that?


  • You can call Extraction.decompose(a: Any)(implicit formats: Formats): JValue which produces a JValue from some value using runtime reflection.

    import org.json4s._
    import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
    import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
    import java.util.UUID
    case class Thing(name: String)
    case class Box(id: String, thing: Thing)
    class BoxSerializer extends CustomSerializer[Box](format => ({
      case jv: JValue =>
        val id = (jv \ "id").extract[String]
        val thing = (jv \ "thing").extract[Thing]
        Box(id, thing)
    }, {
      case b: Box =>
        ("token" -> UUID.randomUUID().toString()) ~
          ("id" -> ~
          ("thing" -> Extraction.decompose(box.thing))
    implicit val formats = DefaultFormats + new BoxSerializer
    val box = Box("1000", Thing("a thing"))
    // decompose the value to JSON 
    val json = Extraction.decompose(box)
    //  {
    //    "token" : "d9bd49dc-11b4-4380-ab10-f6df005a384c",
    //    "id" : "1000",
    //    "thing" : {
    //      "name" : "a thing"
    //    }
    //  }
    // and read a value of type Box back from the JSON
    // Box(1000,Thing(a thing))