I've looked at How to compare two strings assembly and I'm am trying to compare character by character until a character doesn't match and I can't seem to get my code to function how I want it to.
I'm making a simple shell and I'm starting with the help command:
mov ah, 0x0e
mov bh, [bx]
mov bl, s_HELP_COMMAND
cmp bh, bl
jne parseInputReturn
cmp bh, 0
je parseInputEqual
mov al, bh
int 0x10
mov al, bl
int 0x10
call newLine
inc bh
inc bl
jmp parseInputLoop
mov bx, s_HELP_OUTPUT
call printStr
call printStr
call newLine
s_HELP_COMMAND: db 'help', 0
s_HELP_OUTPUT: db 'help - list commands.', 0
s_UNKNOWN_COMMAND: db 'Unknown command. Type "help" to see all commands', 0
It reads the string entered by the user off the stack. Here is the user input code:
call getKeyPress ; wait for the user to press a key
cmp bx, 0xD ; 0xD = 13 = ASCII code for enter
je inputLoopExit ; exit the inputLoop if the pressed key
; is enter
call printChar ; print the pressed key so the user can
; see what they've typed
push bx ; push the pressed key onto the stack so
; that it can be parsed later
jmp inputLoop
call newLine
push 0 ; put 0 onto the stack
mov bx, bp ; store the start of the stack in bx so
; that parseInput can read the inputed
; string
call parseInput
It uses BIOS interrupts to achieve input and output.
It outputs 'Unknown command' each time despite entering 'help'.
mov bh, [bx]
mov bl, s_HELP_COMMAND
The first line loads a byte from... whatever bp
pointed to. I suppose it's an entered character(?). The second line loads the low byte of the address (offset part of the address) of s_HELP_COMMAND
. This does not seem useful.
Perhaps you intended mov bl, [s_HELP_COMMAND]
. This would give you the character 'h'. Incrementing it is going to give you 'g', not the next character in the command ('e').
There may be a further complication. [bp]
defaults to [ss:bp]
. [bx]
defaults to [ds:bx]
Unless ss
= ds
(could be true - you don't show that part) these are not going to refer to the same place in memory.
I suggest you re-think your entire parseInput
routine (and perhaps previous routines). Take smaller steps!