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CursorX and Zoom property not found for Microsoft Chart control

bELOW IS my chart code for "Doughnut" chart.

   <asp:Chart ID="dntData" runat="server" Height="130px" Width="134px" Visible="false" OnLoad="dntbudget_Load" >
                <asp:Series  Name="Series1" ChartType="Doughnut" IsValueShownAsLabel="True" LabelForeColor="White" Font="Verdana,5pt">

            <ChartAreas  >
                <asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" Area3DStyle-Enable3D="True" >

I want to add zoom in zoom out. I tried to write below code but unable to find proerty "CursorX", also Unable to find property "ScaleView.Zoomed".

  dntData.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoomed=true;  //'Zoomed' not found
  dntData.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true; //'CursorX' not found.

Please suggest how to resolve and achieve zoom in/zoom out in this 'Doughnut' chart.


  • It seems that you mixed up something. CursorX and AxisX are properties of the WinForms charts control and not available in the web-control.

    See also:

    My answer to your second question should help you here:

    Hope that helps.

    Best regards, Chris