Thank you for all the help so far!
Today I'm working on a database for a datalog program. I've gotten myself a bit stuck logically, I thought I had it figured out, but I've run into some dead ends.
I have Scheme inputs so basically a string with A Name and a list of list names. Then I have Facts, basically these lists have a name and a list of values.
I need to process the schemes create a lists with the name of the scheme which are lists with the variables and append the info from matching facts to the list of variables.
listname A B C D
other C D
listname 1 2 3 4
listname 2 3 4 5
other 9 6
I would need to have generated the following lists
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
9 6
The issue I'm running into is that because I don't know how many lists I'll need until I see the input I'm using vector>>. The issue here is that when I encounter an element that only matches two of the lists, I don't quite know what to do. The issue is just getting more complex than I think it should be.
How can I generate separate lists that are easier to look at, and can vary in size?
So far I have made it so that I can take per the example above listname under schemes and facts and generate a nice vector, but then I get stuck when I hit other types such as other above.
I don't usually like to post such open questions on here, but I'm not super experienced in programming and am having trouble wrapping my head around a good way to get this done.
Thank you for any input!
From what I can see, the data structure is dictated by the input data.
Scheme is a vector of SchemeItem objects.
SchemeItem is an object (struct/class) containing a name and a vector of variables.
Fact is a vector of FactItem objects.
FactItem is an object containing a name and a vector of values.
Create the data structure, read the data into it. Then the fun starts (but that would be another question).