Search code examples

mongodb foreach doc find min of subset and update it

Product and variants price

Find Minimum of all products.Variants.Price where size is small and update it by 15%

        "_id" : 23,
        "name" : "Polo Shirt",
        "Variants" : [ 
                "size" : "Large",
                "Price" : 82.42
                "size" : "Medium",
                "Price" : 20.82 // this should get increased by 15%
                "size" : "Small",
                "Price" : 42.29
        "_id" : 24,
        "name" : "Polo Shirt 2",
        "Variants" : [ 
                "size" : "Large",
                "Price" : 182.42
                "size" : "Medium",
                "Price" : 120.82  // this should get increased by 15%
                "size" : "Small",
                "Price" : 142.29

I started something like this. Not sure if this is the right start

    var myArr = product.Variants;


  • There is a problem here in that you cannot in a single update statement identify the "minimum" value in an array to use with a positional update, so you are right in a way with your current approach.

    It is arguable that a better approach would be to pre-determine which element is the minimal element and this pass that to the update. You can do this using .aggregate():

    var result = db.products.aggregate([
        { "$unwind": "$Variants" },
        { "$sort": { "_id": 1, "Variants.price" } }
        { "$group": {
            "_id": "$_id",
            "size":  { "$first": "$Variants.size" },
            "price": { "$first": "$Variants.price" }
        { "$project": {
            "size": 1,
            "price": 1,
            "adjusted": { "$multiply": [ "$price", 1.15 ] }

    So of course that is yet only a result with simply the lowest Variant item details for each product but then you could use the results like this:

    result.result.forEach(function(doc) {
                "_id": doc._id, 
                "Variants": { "$elemMatch": {
                    "size": doc.size,
                    "price": doc.price
                "$set": { 
                    "Variants.$.price": doc.adjusted

    That is not the best form but it does at least remove some of the overhead with iterating an array and allows a way to do the calculations on the server hardware, which is possibly of a higher spec from the client.

    It still doesn't really look like too much though until you take in some features available for MongoDB 2.6 and upwards. Notably that aggregate gets a cursor for a response and that you can now also do "bulk updates". So the form can be changed like so:

    var cursor = db.products.aggregate([
        { "$unwind": "$Variants" },
        { "$sort": { "_id": 1, "Variants.price" } }
        { "$group": {
            "_id": "$_id",
            "size":  { "$first": "$Variants.size" },
            "price": { "$first": "$Variants.price" }
        { "$project": {
            "size": 1,
            "price": 1,
            "adjusted": { "$multiply": [ "$price", 1.15 ] }
    var batch = [];
    while ( var doc = ) {
            "q": {
                "_id": doc._id, 
                "Variants": { "$elemMatch": {
                    "size": doc.size,
                    "price": doc.price
            "u": {
                "$set": { 
                    "Variants.$.price": doc.adjusted
        if ( batch.length % 500 == 0 ) {
            db.command({ "update": "products", "updates": batch });
    db.command({ "update": "products", "updates": batch });

    So that is really nice in that while you are still iterating over a list the traffic and waiting for responses over the wire has really been minimized. The best part is the batch updates which are occurring ( by the math usage ) only once per 500 items. The maximum size of the batch items is actually the BSON limit of 16MB so you can tune that as appropriate.

    That gives a few good reasons if you are currently developing a product to move to the 2.6 version.

    The only final footnote I would add considering you are dealing with "prices" is try not to use floating point math for this and look for a form using whole integers instead as it avoids a lot of problems.