I have very small favor to ask here and I don't know if this appropriate or not.
What I'm asking as a favor is that would someone take a quick look at my page http://raekwon.gteayy.com/discs-baby and see if the iTunes widget on my wordpress site shows your local currency?
Also if you have iTunes installed (and can be bothered to ) click "view" album to see if it opens up to your standard (local) iTunes store?
PS I do see that there are appropriate tags for my question, so I'm going to go ahead and post this. If I'm wrong in posting here would you please direct me to a suitable stack exchange?
EDIT It's working at Raekwon Discography + Downloads
From Germany:
Had to disable AdBlock on your page.
Widget shows 65 Kr,
links to https://itunes.apple.com/no/album/only-built-4-cuban-linx/id258634938?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
but iTunes opened in the german store ( €7,99 ).