I've seen similar questions here, but none of the solutions fixed my problem. I'm trying to extend PixiJS's BitmapText class to create a generic text object:
OS7.Text = function(string, x, y)
PIXI.BitmapText.call(this, string, {font:"12px Chicago"});
this.position.x = x;
this.position.y = y;
OS7.Text.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.BitmapText.prototype );
OS7.Text.prototype.constructor = OS7.Text;
And then extend that for a simple clock that updates every second:
OS7.Time = function()
OS7.Text.call(this, "00:00 AM", 571, 5);
this.position.x = 571 - this.textWidth;
this.timeFunc = this.updateTime();
window.setInterval(this.timeFunc, 1000);
OS7.Time.prototype = Object.create(OS7.Text.prototype);
OS7.Time.prototype.constructor = OS7.Time;
OS7.Time.prototype.updateTime = function()
this.prevText = this.text;
this.date = new Date();
this.hour = this.date.getHours();
this.minute = this.date.getMinutes();
this.zero = "";
this.ampm = "AM";
if ( this.hour > 12 )
this.hour -= 12;
this.ampm = "PM";
if ( this.hour === 0 )
this.hour = 12;
if ( this.minute < 10 )
this.zero = "0";
this.setText( this.hour + ":" + this.zero + this.minute + " " + this.ampm );
if ( this.prevText !== this.text )
No matter what, I get the error Object [object global] has no method updateText
even though that function is in PIXI.BitmapText
. Not to mention that the whole timeFunc
thing seems superfluous, but before that I got the error Object [object global] has no method updateTime
Why am I getting this error?
This line looks suspicious:
this.timeFunc = this.updateTime();
will be undefined
, since you are calling updateTime
, and it doesn't return anything. Also a function called from a timer will have window
, and not the object bound to this
. If you want to retain the object refference, you need to use bind
this.timeFunc = this.updateTime.bind(this);