I've been following the om tutorial. Im using Light Table to setup an External Browser connection. Additionally, in my clojurescript code I'm calling (enable-console-print!)
to send my println statements to the browser console.
The problem is that when I print an om component.. something like:
(println (om/build my-component-function my-data))
The output I get is:
#<[object Object]>
I have the same issue if I just eval (om/build my-component-function my-data)
in LightTable.
Being able to inspect this object will be helpful for debugging. How can I print something more meaningful?
1 Try using (.log js/console object)
which is ClojureScript equivalent of console.log(object);
2 You may also install React Developer Tools extension for Google Chrome, which will allow you to browse React/Om components you have on page