Below is an example of code that I have, and I would like it to print a user's account number along with a each procedure number and the sequence number that shows up for that appointment, for example:
acc num proc num Seq num
Vxxxxxxxxx26 44.42 1
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.94 2
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.32 3
Vxxxxxxxxx26 38.93 4
But instead it prints many duplicates of the same thing for the same date and time, for example:
acc num proc num Seq num
Vxxxxxxxxx26 44.42 1
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.94 2
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.32 3
Vxxxxxxxxx26 38.93 4
Vxxxxxxxxx26 44.42 1
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.94 2
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.32 3
Vxxxxxxxxx26 38.93 4
Vxxxxxxxxx26 44.42 1
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.94 2
Vxxxxxxxxx26 57.32 3
Vxxxxxxxxx26 38.93 4
How can I limit it so it only shows 1 set of values rather than 5 set of values?
BTW I am a newbie to Stack Overflow and SQL so please keep that in mind when reviewing. Thank you.
NOTE: It seems as though it is the OeOrders
table. When this is not JOINED it has the appropriate rows, when it is JOINED it expands with all the multiple rows.
@StartDate DateTime,
@EndDate DateTime
SET @StartDate = '10/28/2013 00:00:000'
SET @EndDate = '11/28/2013 23:59:000'
SET @RecordType = '6'
,AbstractData.AccountNumber AS AcctNum_2
,'I9:'+AbsDrgProcedures.DrgProcedure AS ProcCode_3
,AbsDrgProcedures.ProcedureSeqID AS Priority_4
FROM AbstractData
LEFT JOIN AbsDrgProcedures
ON (AbsDrgProcedures.VisitID = AbstractData.VisitID) AND AbsDrgProcedures.VisitID IS NOT NULL
ON (OeOrders.VisitID = AbstractData.VisitID)
AbstractData.PtStatus <> 'REF'
AND OeOrders.ServiceDateTime BETWEEN @StartDate and @EndDate
Select distinct results - SELECT DISTINCT
rather than SELECT