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ENVDTE - Add new project to existing solution and locate it in a specific folder

I wrote a Visual Studio Wizard Template using c# on visual studio 2012.

I followed the MSDN steps: I created a VS template, then I created a Class Library project with a class which implements the IWizard interface, I configured the .vstemplate file and etc...

In my Class Library project I copy an existing solution from some directory in my computer, I add the new generated project to that solution, and run it.

I'm doing this like:

public void RunStarted(object automationObject, Dictionary<string, string> replacementsDictionary, WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            solutionDir = replacementsDictionary["$solutiondirectory$"];
            destProjectDir = replacementsDictionary["$destinationdirectory$"];
            projName = replacementsDictionary["$specifiedsolutionname$"];
            EmulationDir = @"MY_PATH\TestSln";
            DirectoryCopy(EmulationDir, solutionDir);
            dte = (DTE2)automationObject;          


public void RunFinished()
            Solution2 solution;
            Project p;
            solution = (Solution2)dte.Solution;
            solution.Open(solutionDir + "\\TestSln.sln");

            p = solution.AddFromFile(destProjectDir + "\\" + projName + ".vcxproj");


but I have to add the new project to a specific sub-folder of the solution: the above code adds the new project to the solution straightly, and I'ld like to add it to the solutionDir\apps.

Do you know about any way to do thus? thanks!!


  • You can accomplish this using SolutionFolder interface:

    Project project = getSolutionSubFolder(solution, "SubFolderName");
    if (project != null)
        SolutionFolder folder = (SolutionFolder)project.Object;

    Where getSolutionSubFolder method looks like this:

    private static Project getSolutionSubFolder(Solution2 solution, string subfolder)
                p => string.Equals(p.Name, subfolder, StringComparison.Ordinal));